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4 min read
Idea 5: Wise Brand, Foolish Brand
Knowledge (product attributes/benefits) + Experience (customer needs/values) =
Wisdom (brand messages/promotions)

2 min read
Idea 4: Marketing to Birds of a Feather
As humans, we value the beliefs and attitudes of our closest connections. As marketers, we should focus on local influencers and not KOLs.

3 min read
Idea 3: Is advertising dead in the life sciences industry?
HCPs need appreciate, timely and relevant information about products and/or services that can improve the health and wellness of patients.

2 min read
Idea 2: Why Branding is Germane
The right branding can make all the difference when it comes to reaping the fruits of your labors.

1 min read
Idea 1: Make Your Brand Talkable
Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM) is one of most effective communication strategies to help brands grow. Our brains are wired to look for...
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